In 2006 Italian “fisherman” Igli Rosato a.k.a Athos Rosato spoke with US journalist Jason Felch about the fateful day in 1964 when the Victorious Youth bronze was fished from the Adriatic. In that interview Rosato told the journalist that the statue was hauled up 32 (nautical) miles out from the Italian coast.
Not good with math evidently, in 2007 Rosato changed his story and said the bronze was hauled in about 43 miles to the east of Mount Conero, a promontory situated directly south of the port of Ancona on the Adriatic Sea and about 27 miles from the Croatian coast, and from a depth of about 75 meters.
NOTE: This is the same distance given by the ship’s captain, Romeo Pirani.
Then, in this recent video posted to Italian news this morning, Rosato was filmed saying that the Ferruccio Ferri hauled up their nets at about 37/38 miles from the port of Ancona, and 24/25 miles from Fano.NOTE: This is the same distance given by the ship’s captain, Romeo Pirani.
Even though there are inconsistencies in his statements, all the quoted find zones still fall outside trans-boundary waters.
But having said that, there are several things to consider when interpreting the reliability of Rosato’s statements.
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